So this author a day thing is winding down so the pressure is on to find writers that we have somehow missed. I am heading to the beach for a few days, no phone, no television, no internet, no people. I will be in total isolation for nearly a week, so I needed to find a really good book to keep me occupied. Okay, that was an exaggeration. I will have access to a phone. The condo also comes with a flat screen television and complementary wifi. My point is, I want to bring a good book or two. The plan is to bring a new book and to re-read something because I rarely do that and thought this was a great excuse.

It's no secret that I love a novella so my suggestion for an
introduction to Crews is The Car, about
a man who dreams of doing something important, something huge, and settles on
eating a car. This is probably the most accessible and certainly the least
violent Crews novel. It’s also as funny as it is original. This is the book I
am going to bring on vacation to re-read.
My favorite Crews book is his slim memoir, A Childhood: The Biography of a Place.
Crews is often accused of going overboard in his novels, the violence and insanity of it all, but you can’t really appreciate his novels without reading
about his life growing up in poverty living on tenant farms in Georgia. This is
a must read for anyone who loves southern literature.

Crews is a mix of Flannery O’Connor and Hunter S. Thompson but,
if you like Daniel Woodrell, Barry Hannah, or even Larry Brown, you should
read Crews.
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