Dear Liz,
My sweet jovial friend…of course I haven’t given up on
helping you find love. Why would I? You
aren’t at all picky and have what I would call an almost dangerously positive
outlook on life and humanity. Of course I haven’t given up on being part of
making all (well, nearly all) of your romantic dreams and nightmares come
true, but with Valentine’s Day fast upon us and each hour we let pass is one
less hour you could be spending in a state owned trailer enjoying a romantic
conjugal visit, we must hurry.
No Touching! |
I’ve signed you up for what I think are two excellent dating
sites. Both suit your desire for someone who will be your best friend, truest
confident, and life partner. Well, I didn’t write any of that in your profile
but maybe you’ll luck out.
The first dating site, and trust me it wasn’t easy to get in
this one, it’s very competitive, is
I really wanted to keep these gentlemen
guessing, so I only provided your full name, address, a photo of you sleeping, and a request that
“shorties need not reply.” Hope that’s okay. I also used your work
email; let me know if you get any takers.
The second dating site, and start writing that thank you
note to me now, is called
Tribe Of Singles, a really great online meeting place
which is marketed as “exclusively for resilient optimist who believe in great
love.” The only way that could have been more perfect for you, Liz, is if it
was for Yankee fans only! Anyway this site clearly combines two of your
passions: Optimism and social gatherings.
All I can say is … start looking for a wedding dress!
All this talk of you and romance got me thinking about
several books that remind me of your tenacity to love and take risks at any
cost. Let me list a few that our readers may want to read in order to get a
better understanding of what it might be like to love Liz.
How the French
Invented Love by Marilyn Yalom
This book completely captures Liz’s unbridled passion for
everything/one she does. She also enjoys throwing her head back when men kiss
her palm.
Solitude of Prime
Numbers by Paolo Giordano
This novel really speaks to Liz’s boundless capacity to
trust people. It’s no secret that Liz is an emotional open book; it’s completely inspiring. It also speaks to Liz’s love of Italians.
Redeeming Love by
Francine Rivers
“A time when men sold their souls for gold and women sold
their bodies for a place to sleep.” I don’t want to give too much away but Liz
was living at my house for an entire month.
Labor Day by Joyce

A handsome (and physically fit) man escapes prison and kinda
sorta takes a woman hostage and they fall in love. And also, he does a lot of
housework. Uhh…Joyce Maynard get out of Liz’s head!!!
Committed by
Elizabeth Gilbert
If you spent even five minutes with Liz from 2005 to 2009,
all she did was talk about Eat, Pray,
Love. Liz found the book transformative on every level, so it’s no surprise
that Gilbert’s follow up just blew Liz away. Now all she talks about is her profound
desire to marry and have babies (four: three boys and a little sister they can protect!).
And finally...
100 Love Sonnets by Pablo Neruda

I once saw Liz whisper this to a man she barely knew, but
fancied. She had to get down real low to actually whisper in his ear, but this
is what I heard:
The sky folds its
wings over you,
lifting you, carrying
you to my arms
with its punctual,
mysterious courtesy.
--from Love Sonnets
It was then and only then did I realize how very romantic
Liz was. And how very, very tall.
With every last bit of my love and dedication to your love,