I roll my eyes at Susan Orlean all the time. She doesn’t
know it of course, but I do. It started years ago when I was working at a
bookstore in Florida and we were to host an event for her book
The Orchid Thief. Orchids? Really, lady?
Talk about a snooze of a topic, orchids? The only thing more boring than actual
orchids would have to be the people who would want to read about them and then
gather to talk about them.

Uhh..wrong. Thank you book gods for putting me on the
schedule the night Susan Orlean came to talk about
The Orchid Thief to a group more diverse than any I had ever seen.
It was not only my introduction to the absolute cray cray world of orchid
people (wait, is that a sci fi movie?), but the nutters who walk in the
alligator infested everglades to illegally search for the illusive ghost
orchid. And, I may be making this up, but I know that Orlean had a ghost orchid
on her person that night. I peeped it with my own eyes.

Most recently Orlean wrote a book called
Rin Tin Tin. Huh. Well sure it has a
gorgeous cover, and yeah, I like dogs as much as (probably a little less) than
the next lesbian, but do I really want to read a book about Rin Tin Tin? I roll
my eyes at crazy Susan Orlean and open the book. About five pages in, I make my
way to the front counter, pay for the book and then go sit in my car and read
for almost an hour. I finished the book the next night. It made both mine and
Liz’s year-end best of list.

Somewhere along the way I also read
The Bullfighter Checks Her Makeup: My Encounters with Extraordinary
People. Profile books are tricky to write, really difficult to make
interesting. It was after tearing through this paperback that I realized that
this book exemplifies why Susan Orlean can probably write about anything she
wants. She has authentic affection for the people she writes about, and while some
might be living on the outskirts of normal society, she treats each of her
subjects with dignity and respect.
So yea, I am an absolute true believer in Susan Orlean. I am
even smart enough to follow her on Twitter, turns out; she’s pretty hilarious
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