Day 27: Favorite Book-to-Movie Adaptations
I hate to
start this blog off with a devastating story, but it's topical. Colleen
Devine Ellis is a main character in this story and as you may know, those are
always worth telling. About six or so years ago, my house was burgled.
Those sons a bitches took all of my DVDs, half of my CD collection (I will
never alphabetize again, they took A-M), speakers, cameras--you know, the
works. They also got into Colleen’s room and took some CDs and movies, even
sort of ransacked her room. [The way I heard the story, Colleen's room may actually have been straightened a bit by the thieves.] That wasn’t really the hard part for Colleen.
What was really hard to process for poor old Devine was the fact that those
bastards had the nerve to leave behind the BBC mini series of Pride and
Prejudice. Her comment was (oh and I remember it clearly), “ Why would they
leave this? Do you know how much I paid for this? This is the one with Colin
Firth!” She was really pissed off. She printed out the cover of the DVD set and
put it on our front door with a sign that said “Dear robbers, This is all we
have left.”
We haven’t
been burgled since.
I pretty much
have The Color Purple memorized…i'ts not annoying to watch that movie
with me, not at all. Now having said that, I wouldn’t put this movie on my top 20
(or more) at all. It's not as bad as, say (oh, I hope I don’t open a can of worms
here…), Girl Interrupted. Loved the book – truly hated the movie.
Pretty much
any movie made from a E M Forster book has been good--magic touch, I
guess. Stephen King novels have been turned into some excellent films
(some of which are also quote worthy… “You're
just another lying ol' dirty birdy”), as were Affliction and The Sweet Hereafter by Russell Banks. Love those two. My
mother accidentally took me to see Barry Lyndon when I was … well, too young; I
think we left early (like just four hours in…).
Anyway, I
think I will list my top five book-to-movie faves. Note – I did not put any film
on the list in which I have not read the book. For example, The Wizard of Oz,
Princess Bride, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ( the original, Willy Wonka)
, Drugstore Cowboy, In the Name of the Father, Year of Living Dangerously and
Full Metal Jacket – I love all these films but never did read the books.
Also did not
list anything that had a book post film… in other words, my beloved Harold
and Maude is not on this list.
I also did
not include short stories that were made into films. For example, three of may
favorite films are Brokeback Mountain (really excellent Annie Proulx story), In the Bedroom by Andre Dubus (great story and great film), and of
course the beautiful story The Bear Came Over the Mountain by Alice
Munro, which was made into a gorgeous film by Sarah Polley called Away from
Her. [I love all of these stories and movies.]
And still, getting all that our of the way…the list was difficult to make:
McMurtry – Novel
James L
Brooks – Screenplay and Director
I actually
love this film more than the book…by a long shot. This is one of those
movies that I will always top on if its on television. I just can’t pass it up. [I agree; the movie is significantly different, and significantly better. Can't beat Shirley MacLaine in the role of Aurora.]
“It's past ten. My daughter
is in pain. I don't understand why she has to have this pain. All she has to do
is hold out until ten, and it’s past ten! My daughter is in pain, can't you
understand that! Give my daughter the shot!”
of the Lambs
Thomas Harris
– Novel
Ted Tally -
Demme – Director

“You know what you look like to me,
with your good bag and your cheap shoes? You look like a rube. A well scrubbed,
hustling rube with a little taste. Good nutrition's given you some length of
bone, but you're not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you,
Agent Starling? And that accent you've tried so desperately to shed: pure West
Virginia. What is your father, dear? Is he a coal miner? Does he stink of the
lamp? You know how quickly the boys found you... all those tedious sticky
fumblings in the back seats of cars... while you could only dream of getting
out... getting anywhere... getting all the way to the FBI.”
Country for Old Men
McCarthy – Novel
Joel and
Ethan Coen – Screenplay and Directors
I was pretty
shocked when I read this book – and I am pretty sure I sat stunned watching
this really excellent film as well. This is one of those films you just
can’t shake. It's also one of those films where you really don’t want to walk to
your car alone in the theatre parking lot… yeah, I made the mistake of seeing
this alone.
“Whatcha got ain't nothin
new. This country's hard on people, you can't stop what's coming, it ain't all
waiting on you. That's vanity.”
& Sensibility
Jane Austen –
Emma Thompson
– Screenplay
Ang Lee –
First of
all…I love Jane Austen. [That makes one of us. I do like this version of the novel as a film, though.] I think Emma Thompson’s adaptation is phenomenal
– it really has everything. And yes, Colleen, I would put it up
against your precious Pride and Prejudice. While it doesn’t have Colin Firth, it
does have Alan Rickman. And, you know, nothing wrong with Emma and Kate
either. Emma Thompson kept a journal during the making of the film; I HIGHLY
recommend it. Sense and Sensibility: The Screenplay and Diaries.
Mario Puzo –
Mario Puzo
and Francis Ford Coppola – Screenplay
Francis Ford Coppola
- Director
This is it
for me. You can have your Goodfellas…I will always choose The Godfather (I and
II I pretend III never happened). One Saturday morning a few weeks ago I
turned on the television to watch the news … I left the sofa about five hours
later after watching both Godfather I and II, which some fantastic network was
showing back to back the way God intended. I read the book after seeing
the movie by the way. Movie is much better.
Okay here it
“Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.”
I feel some pressure in compiling my list. I think Gianna's is superb and I easily could have chosen any one of those books-to-films for my own list. I have Terms of Endearment memorized; I've seen it so many times that I could tell you the name of the classical music piece playing on John Lithgow's radio when he runs into Emma (Debra Winger) in the parking lot. I'm going to attempt to come up with five picks of my own, though. There are lots to choose from, after all.
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Stieg Larsson--Novel
Nikolaj Arcel and Rasmus Heisterberg--Screenplay
Niels Arden Oplev--Director
I know that the American version of this book-to-movie adaptation will be the blockbuster movie of the fall, but I don't know how director David Fincher could possibly improve on the excellent Swedish version. Neither book nor movie are for the faint of heart, but this movie is one of the most faithful adaptations I've ever seen and Noomi Rapace, the actor who played Lisbeth Salander, SHOULD have one an Oscar for her portrayal. She's simply brilliant--both fragile and tougher than any other character in the movie, and so terribly, understandably damaged. I love this character, and I love the screen version of this character.
Laurie Halse Anderson--Novel
Jessica Sharzer--Screenplay, Director

"My English teacher has no face. I call her Hairwoman."
The Hours
Michael Cunningham--Novel
David Hare--Screenplay
Stephen Daldry--Director
Michael Cunningham's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel should have been one of those books that it's impossible to adapt, but the film version proved outstanding. Nicole Kidman is great at Virginia Woolf, and Julianne Moore is even better as a depressed, 1950's housewife. There is one scene in the movie that differs wildly from the book, but otherwise it's a strong adaptation that should have won the Best Picture Oscar. Oh, and it has a Phillip Glass soundtrack. I love Glass.
"Dear Leonard. To look life in the face, always, to look life in the face and to
know it for what it is. At last to know it, to love it for what it is, and then,
to put it away. Leonard, always the years between us, always the years. Always
the love. Always the hours."
Ian McEwan--Novel
Christopher Hampton--Screenplay
Joe Wright--Director
This story of innocence lost and the misinterpretation of childrens' eyes weaves together a tense night at an English manor with the horror of the war. Briony is a 13 year-old girl who wants to be a writer, and one day she observes an incident between her older sister and the son of a servant. That night, when another girl is attacked at a party, Robbie, the servant's son, is accused of rape based on Briony's testimony. Robbie and Cecilia's relationship then becomes the focus as Robbie is sent to war.
"Yes. I saw him. I saw him with my own eyes."
To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee--Novel
Horton Foote--Screenplay
Robert Mulligan--Director

"Neighbors bring food with death, and flowers with sickness, and little things in
between. Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and
chain, a knife, and our lives."
Reading this, I got mad all over again. Stupid uncultured robbers.
ReplyDeletesorry to bring it up my friend....
ReplyDeleteWizard of Oz will never be trumped. Fly, fly, fly! It helps that my kids think I'm the WWW. And I've never forgiven Sister Lauren for giving me a C on my 9th grade literature paper about Oz being a political statement. What did she know-oh Dominican nun still reeling from Vatican II.