Saturday, February 2, 2013

New Year, New 30 Day Book Challenge, Day 30

Oh Flannery, I could never hate you!
Day 30: The End.


On the 29th of January, I sent Liz a text telling her how excited I was that we only had two more days of our 30 day challenge. It's really tough trying to come up with books to write about every single day, especially when the prompts are often the same questions worded a bit differently. “What’s your favorite book?” "What’s your favorite book that you own?” “Who is your favorite author that wrote your favorite book?” By Day 14, I seriously starting hating Flannery O’Connor. 

Anyway, so on the 29th I was pretty excited, just two more daily blog posts and then I could take a break. It was then that Liz reminded me that we actually didn’t start on January 1st,  and that we actually had three more posts. I’m not going to lie, I shed some tears and felt a little hate in my heart for Liz. But this is it, this really is the last day. And it won’t be like in years past when I would let Liz bully me into an additional thirty days. I’ve grown wiser (and lazier).
me when i cant figure out what to write

I thought I would hit the highlights and lowlights of our challenge.  The best book I read last year (Day 1 question) Why be Happy When You Can be Normal. Book I read more than three times (Day 2) Rubyfruit Jungle (possibly a low point as I think I admitted to stealing). A book that makes me happy (Day 5) Bossypants. Book by my favorite author (Day 16) I chose my new favorite authors like Karen Russell. Book you wish more people had read (Day 24) Autobiography of a Face. Favorite book cover (Day 27, I thought we were done so this too was a low point) Polpo.
I will now use this to help count to thirty

Final confession. I wrote this blog yesterday thinking it was the last day again.  Why did I ever agree to this and why in hell am I incapable of counting to thirty? 


Here's the thing: Gianna doesn't get that people LOVE lists. She loves lists too, except when she's the one asked to compile them. I don't know why she can't count to thirty, but I have heard that she graduated from primary school. I'm waiting for the verifying documentation.
Camel. toe.

Oh, and we're doing this again. I don't care what Gianna says; she made the mistake of sending me a picture of her with some massive camel toe. I am not above posting embarrassing things on the internet. It's blackmail. Which reminds me--next 30 Day Book Challenge, Day 1: Favorite Book About Blackmail.

When I couldn't sleep last night, I stumbled across a librarian's book challenge that involved reading one book from all of the Library of Congress categories and subcategories. That's 229 books. Gianna doesn't know how good she has it.

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