Gianna: We should do a few blog posts about Irish writing for St. Patrick’s Day.
Liz: …Okay. I am
drawing a blank though. I’m not sure
that I can think of many Irish writers.
Gianna: Sheesh. Of course you can. Everyone knows at least a few.
Gianna: Is he Irish?
Liz: MCMurtry—gotta
be Irish. And in Lonesome Dove Captain Call was born in Ireland, and there were the
two Irishman—the one bitten by the snakes and the other one who went to the
brothel with Newt. And Gus’s last name
is McCrae. MC-Crae. And McMurtry is from the Dublin of Texas,
Archer City.
Gianna: That sounds about right. (Sarcasm?)
Liz: Okay, then there’s Cormac McCarthy.
Gianna, reading from the internet: “He renamed himself ‘Cormac’ after the Irish
Liz: Heh. There are
you kings in Ireland. Queen Liz rules
Gianna: You’re going to get us in trouble.
Liz: What about Joyce?
Gianna: Definitely Irish.
Liz: ….Carol Oates.
Upstate New York is just like Ireland. Tim O'Brien? Dr. Phil McGraw?
Gianna: You’re getting pale people confused with Irish
Liz: I think I hate you.
May the road rise to meet you. What about your new Peter Behrens book Ms. Liz O'Sullivan?
ReplyDeleteAll should read THE O'BRIENS by Peter Behrens. Even better if you're drinking whisky while reading it.